Student Success Stories
Student Success Stories are created for the students who applied what was shared with them during their membership program and who devoted time and effort in order to improve their game. Paul would like to say, CONGRATULATIONS to the following clients on their achievements! I also wanted you to know that your successes are the reward of being a golf instructor/coach.

"Improvement in golf is 80% the students responsibility and 20% the Instructors". Mike Hebron

"It takes great students to make great instructors". Harvey Penick

Student Successes October
Chuck Clendenen had a Hole in One on # 7 at El Dorado G.C. knocking in a 7 iron from 142 yards, Al Muskat had a Hole in One on # 8 at Olivas Links G.C. with a hybrid,  Pat Riedy had a Hole in One on # 12 at River Ridge G.C. (Lakes) for her 4th one from 120 yards with a 13 wood, Randy Sadler made a Hole in One on # 13 at Wood Ranch C.C. from 171 yards with a 5 Wood, Byron Laughlin continues to improve with nines of: 39,37 and 36 @ sinaloa G.C., Tim Vandervalk has two career low rounds with an 88 at Camarillo G.C. and an 83 @ Woodly G.C., Jim Miller had a low round of 80 @ Moorpark C.C. on Canyon/Ridge nines, Haven Tan at 8 years old shot 42 in the U.S. Kids  Championship to win @ Desert Springs G.C. in Palm Springs, Eden Tan at 10 years old shot 43 in the U.S. Kids Championship for 4th @ Desert Springs G.C. in Palm Springs, Eden Tan also shot her low nine @ Los Robles G.C. with a 39 and then followed it up with a 38 the next week,
Noah Hollander had his low competitive round shooting a 77 aat Olivas Links G.C., Steve Hollander also had his best with a 77 at Moorpark C.C., Tim Vandervalk finsished 1st in the Jones Flight of the Golf Channel amateur Golf Tour at Oak Valley G.C., Collin Harper shot his best round with an 88 @ Mountain View G.C. which was a 63 net and finished 1st then followed that up with his best nines of 44 on the back nine and a 41 on the front nine, Max Morales won the SCPGA Westlake Fall Challenge shooting 65 and winning by three - Max plays for Simi High,

Student Successes September
Garrick Newman shot his best round at North Ranch C.C. with a 42 on the Oaks nine, John Bowman has now set his new lows with a 97 @ Tierra Rejada G.C., 95 @ Camarillo G.C. and a 93 @ Elkins G.C., Steve smith had his low nine in a long long time with a 40 @ Moorpark C.C. on Ridgeline with 7 pars, Lisa Inouye had her career best and broke 80 for the first time @ Moorpark C.C. with a 79 on the Ridge and Canyon nines, Al Muskat had his 2nd Hole in One knocking it in on # 5 @ Olivas Links G.C. from 135 yards with an 8 iron, Chuck Clendenen had his 1st Hole in One knocking in a 7 iron from 147 yards at El Dorado G.C. in Long Beach in a tourney, Ken Christ had his best round with an 83 at Wood Ranch C.C. from the white tees, Dal Delwolf shot his best nine with a 41 on the front nine with an eagle on # 6 knocking in an 8 iron, Jeff Christopher shot under par in a long long time with a 69 @ Los Robles G.C. and followed it up with a 72 at Olivas Links, Ken Roth is back winning the Simi Hills Men's Club B flight event with an 82 which was a 64 net then shot 81 @ Los Robles G.C., Vito Papparello had his career best shooting 88 @ Rancho Park G.C. breaking 90 for the first time, Adam Broughtonsho his career best and broke 90 for the first time with an 88 @ Encino G.C., Vince Russo beat his low score by 18 shots after two lessons shooting a 118 at Los Robles G.C., Byron Laughlin shot his two low nines with a 40 @ Sinaloa G.C. and a 60 on the back nine @ Wood Ranch C.C., Team Beckman are all setting new lows with Sam shooting an 89 @ Los Robles G.C. breaking 90 for the first time and his son shooting an 84 @ Los Robles G.C. and Cindy shot 114 @ Los Robles G.C. from the white tees, Andrew Lazo is starting to play some great golf shooting 67 @ Porter Valley C.C. and 69 @ Knollwood G.C., 

Student Successes August
Pat Lynch broke 40 for the first time with a 39 on the front nine at Candlewood C.C. and also shot his career best 83, Ian levy finally put the driver away for Braemar C.C. and shot his low nine 36, Charles Koulosian broke 100 for the first time with a 94 on the Vineyard course at River Ridge G.C. and finished 2nd, Aiden McClenethen at 9 years old qualified for the World Golf Championship @ Pinehurst G.C. in North Carolina and shot 39, 44, 43 and finished top 30!!!!!!!!, Dal Dewolf broke 90 for the first time since moving here and joining Sunset Hills C.C. with an 89,
Don Waite shot a great round 81 @ Eagle Springs C.C. just outside Fresno, Brian Peterson shot an 81 from the Golf Tees @ Wailea G.C. in Hawaii for a stroke differential of 7.4 to the rating, Steve Daughtrey had his first Eagle on # 14 @ PGA West in Palm Springs knocking it in from the fairway on a par 4, Spencer Torgan had his career best round @ Wood Ranch C.C. shooting a 73, Pat Riedy shot a great round with an 84 from the white tees @ Pacific Grove G.C., John Bowman is back at it shooting new lows with a 98 @ Elkins Ranch G.C. followed up with a 96 and a 93 @ Buena Ventura, Dal DeWolftied his low @ Sunset Hills C.C. with a 43 on the front nine, Andy "Zag"shot two good rounds shooting a 94 @ Balboa G.C. and a 95 @ Rustic Canyon G.C., Cheryl Lowe had her low nine at Spanish Hills C.C. with a 41 on the back nine and also had a first shooting 79 at Tierra Rejada G.C. therefore breaking 80 for the first time, Starace's did it together both breaking 80 for the first time with Karinshooting 79 & Ralph shooting a 77 at Tierra Rejada, Steve Miller had a low with a 40 on the front nine at Sunset Hills C.C.

Student Successes July 
Wayne Honea shot a low round of 74 @ Tierra Rejada G.C., Andrew Lazo broke par for the first time with a 70 @ Knollwood G.C. with a 38-32 and that's 4 under on the back nine, Andrew Lazo also finished 2nd in a SCPGA event at Brookside G.C. with a 72 on the #2 course,
Larry Stilley shot two low rounds back to back with 84's @ Sunset Hills C.C., Glen Adams shot 81 @ Simi Hills G.C. for his low round.

Student Successes June 
Don Waite shot a career best 26 @ Sinaloa G.C. which is 1 under par and that is hard to do with such small greens, Noah Hollander right after taking an on course lesson shot his best @ Tierra Rejada G.C. with an 80, Robert McIntosh had his two low back to back rounds with a 90 @ Los Robles G.C. and then another 90 @ Sunset Hills G.C., David Ho broke 80 for the first time with a 79 @ Brookside G.C. #2 from the blue tees and won his flight by 3 shots, Edgar Carisma playing his 2nd round of golf and first tournament shot an incredible 82 @ Green Tree G.C. with 8 pars, Gene Haggerty shot his low round at Simi Hills G.C. with an 83, Dick McMillion shot his career best with an 81 @ Sunset Hills G.C. and a 39 on the back nine, Glenn Adams shot his career best with an 81 @ Simi Hills G.C. and low nine with a 39 on the back nine +3, Pam Stanford shot her career best @ Wood Ranch C.C. with a 47-48=95, beating her best by 3 shots, Jeff Christopher shot 70 @ Los Robles G.C. and is on his way to the 60's, Walt Dolche had his FIRST Hole in One on

# 5 @ Olivas Links G.C. from 135 yards with a driver,

Student Successes May 
Cindy Beckman and her first career birdie with a 2 on the first hole at Sinaloa G.C., Eden Tan at 11 years old had her first career EAGLE knocking in a 7 iron at PGA West in Palm Springs in a tournament, John Hausenhauer had his career best with an 81 at Wood Ranch C.C. from the blue tees, Dan Rosen had his career best and broke 90 for the first time with an 89 at Los Robles G.C., Cindy Beckman playing gold for 10 months shot an amazing 38 at Sinaloa G.C., Dan Rosen had his best nine holes shooting 41 on the front nine at Porter Valley C.C., Eric Sensiba "I took what you taught me last Saturday to the golf course today and played the tees I used to play three years ago. I shot about 6 strokes better than my handicap. I don't know what was more fun? Hitting a high 6 iron draw from 175 yards out and going over the green or the high draw 135 yard 9 iron or the intentional 240 yard draw with the driver? All I can say is, " I love you!"  If you can believe it, I surprised even myself! And, you know what? It is the first time I really feel like NOW I can achieve my goal of becoming a single digit handicap. I am getting closer. "What a feeling!""; Steve Daughtry won the Golf Channel Event held at Tierra Rejada G.C. shooting an 89, Drew Oliver won the Westlake Men's Club Event shooting his career best and breaking 70 for the first time with a 69, Stefan DeNocker shot his career best nine holes at Tierra Rejada g.C. shooting a 39 on the back nine and first time breaking forty, Eden Tan will be the only female representing the Braemar C.C. Jr. PGA team by qualifying and she is 11 years old,
David Ho shot a career best @ Simi Hills G.C. shooting an 84 gross and 69 net winning his flight, Edgar Carisma played his first 18 holes of golf shooting a 91 @ SeeBee G.C. and had his first Birdie on #16 which was a 3, Kitty Neuman's scores are coming down with a 100 and 102 @ Desert Willow in Palm Springs and a new low at North Ranch C.C. 111, Steve Daughtry continues to consistently improve shooting his best round at Tierra Rejada G.C. with an 82,

Student Successes April 
Coach Paul has had quite a month so far. Birthday on the 2nd, Hole 'n' One #21 on #14 at Tierra Rejada G.C. on the 3rd and then the following day on the 4th had another Hole 'n' One on #11 @ Tierra Rejada G.C. with a 4 iron for #22 then proceded to win the Elkins G.C. Pro-Am shooting 70 and then winning in a one hole play off, Don Close had his career best by 11 shots shooting a 90 @ Los Robles G.C., Jerry Williams prior to meeting was shooting 135's @ Westlake G.C. and 140's @ Simi Hills G.C. but just recently shot a 95 @ Westlake G.C. and a 115 @ Simi Hills G.C. for his new career bests, Tom Dunn continues his solid golf with a personal best 41-41 = 82 @ Los Robles G.C., Diane Gunther had her first career BIRDIE with a 2 on #1 @ Sinaloa G.C., Jon Erjavac had his low round @ Buena Ventura G.C. shooting 39-41=80. His low round in a long time, David Smith has come a long way in 5 years. When we met his quest was to break 100 consistently. He is now a 5 handicap and has two lows of 72 @ Woodley G.C. and a personal best of 81 @ Robinson Ranch G.C., Tim VanderValk had his career best with an 84 @ Woodley G.C. and that was with 37 putts, Mark Monreal qualified for the senior 4 ball with his partner Willie Melancon and they finished top 5 and then mark qualified for the SCGA Senior Championship where he finished Tied for 5th and earned an exemption to nextt years tournament, Coach paul played in a skins game at Simi Hills G.C. and had 9 birdies shooting a 64 and then shot another 64 at Tierra Rejada G.C. with a bogey free round including 5 birdies and an eagle

Student Successes March 

Coach Paul shot 64 @ Simi Hills G.C. with 9 (nine) birdies, Brian Williams finally joined the Los Robles Men's Club and shot a 74 finsihed 4th and had his low Tournament round, Robert Kemmerling had his best nine @ Westlake G.C. with a 40, Geno Azar had a really good round @ Sandpiper G.C. shooting 75 from the tips which plays about 7200 yards, Pam Stanford had her career best @ Olivas Links G.C. shooting 91, David Auerback had his career best at Rustic Canyon G.C. shooting an 80, Stefan DeNocker had his career best shooting 40-43=83 at Tierra Rejada G.C. what a great front nine, Al Muskat qualified for the Wood Ranch C.C. Presidents Cup shooting 111 and then roaring back witth an 88 to qualify, Steve Daughtry won the Golf Channel Event at Morongo shooting 101-88 and winning by 2 shots and qualified for the national Championship, Spencer Shine had his career best tournament score with a 76 @ North Ranch C.C. in the North Ranch High School Invitational, Spencer Shine also shot his best score of 79 @ Calabasas C.C. and then followed it up with a 77, Bob Jacobs is starting to play some consistent golf with back to back 87's @ Sherwood C.C. and his index is down to a 14.2, Kitty Neuman shot her best round to date with a 115 at North Ranch C.C. and is on her way to breaking 100 very soon for the first time, Tim VanDerValk won the Golf Channel event at Oak Creek G.C. with an 88 birdied the last hole to win by one, Brian Grube had his low nine and career best in the same round shooting 94 at Los Robles G.C. with a 43 on the front nine, Shane Lynch had his career low in a tournament shooting 90 at Encino G.C. and finished fourth on his team and then the next round shot 40 at Eaton G.C. and was low out of 12 players, Max Morales had his career best competitve round shooting 72 at Glen Annie G.C. and was low for the day and he had 5 birdies, Noah Hollander shot 85 at Riviera C.C. with a brilliant 37 on the back nine with two birdies on #11 and #16,
Chloe Kudler shot her career best and broke 90 for the first time with an 89 @ Westlake G.C., Tom Dunn won the Gold Coast Golf Club Match Play Championship!!!! He won his matches: 2 up @ Los Robles G.C., 1 up @ Sterling Hills G.C., 3 up @ Soule Park G.C. including an eagle and the final match he won 3 up @ Elkins Ranch G.C.. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Student Successes February 

Wade Savage after taking 3 months off gets a 1/2 hour tune up and shoots 80 @ Tierra Rejada G.C. to start yeaar off, Walt Dolche broke 100 for the first time shooting a 99 @ Olivas Links G.C, Reggie Mercado shot his low nine by 4 shooting a 52 @ Elkins Ranch G.C. and he has beeen playing for 5 months now, Jeff Simon shot 83 @ Brookside G.C. and finished 2nd in the LAFD Golf Club, Tom Dunn broke 40 for the first time with a 39 @ River Ridge G.C. on the Vineyard course, Stephen Denocker shot his low nine @ Moorpark C.C. with a 41 on Ridgeline with a triple,

Student Successes January 

Tim Johnston shot his career best and first time breaking 90 with an 89 @ Simi Hills G.C., Reggie Mercado had his low nine at Sinaloa G.C. with a 41 lowering his best by 5 strokes, Al Muskat had his low nine @ Tierrra Rejada G.C. a 43 on the front nine which is + 6, Pam Stanford broke 90 for the first time and her career low with an 89 @ Glenn Annie G.C., Steve Daughtry finished 2nd in the golf channel Event @ Morongo on the Legends G.C. in the Snead flight, Patrick Lynch shot his career low @ Candlewood C.C. with an 81 including 2 birdies and 7 pars, Isaiah Tubbs passed his PAT (Players Ability Test) at Sunset Hills C.C. allowing him to pursue a PGA Membership,

Student Successes December 
John Bowman continues setting personal best with a 102 at Elkins Ranch G.C.and a 105 at Lost Canyons G.C., Joe Haldek had a career best 74 @ Los Robles G.C.,Ian Howe shot his best with a 95 @ Steve Winns course in Las Vegas with a rental set,Jack Kleinick shot a low score 34 on the front nine @ Sherwood C.C., Nathan Khalapari had his low nine of his short golf career with a 44 at Calabasas C.C., Doug Lawson is starting to play some solid golf after a 2 year break shooting 83 and an 80 at Moorpark C.C., Mike Ames after a 5 month health break from golf shot a 78 from the black tees @ Buena Ventura G.C., Bill McCoyhad a Hole in One on # 7 uphill par 3 @ Wood Ranch C.C. hitting a 6 iron,Lisa and Craig Inouye and Cheryl and Isaac Lowe teamed up to win the Moorpark C.C. couples aggregate scramble, Cheryl Lowe took the low gross honors at Sterling Hills C.C. with a 92, Jeff Schainherrhas been playing a lot of good golf with 6 men's Club Championships at Westlake G.C.and qualified for the SCGA Super Seniors @ Pala Mesa C.C. shooting 73-72 = 145, Paul Holtby won the Saticoy C.C. Pro-Am and final tournament of the year with 4 birdies and an Eagle 68 with the highlight being no 5's on the card, Paul Holtby also shot 63 @ Los Robles G.C, 64 at Tierra Rejada G.C. and a 62 @ Buena Ventura G.C.,John Bowman shot a great round of 94 @ The Golf Club of La Quinta breaking a streak of 20 rounds over 100, Bill Elmer really kept track of 2014 successes: 1st eagle on a 368 yard par 4 knocking in his 2nd shot, broke 90 for the first time on 4 different courses Simi Hills G.C., Moorpark C.C., Coyote Hills C.C. and Lake Tahoe, Bill also broke 80 for the first time with a 79 at Fullerton G.C. and then followed it up with a 79, 76, and a 74.Bill in summary had 16 personal bests with his first eagle and his handicap has gone from 23 to a 14.9 in 9 months, Steve Crome had an 81 but more importantly had an eagle on a 506 par five sinking a 30 foot left to right putt, Tore Livia broke par the first time with a 71 @ Moorpark C.C. playing the two hardest nines Creek and Ridgeline, John Bowman followed up his 94 with two more good rounds breaking 100 with a 99 @ Rancho Park G.C. and a 96 @ Tierrra Rejada G.C., Cheryl Lowe partnered up with her husband and the Inouyes to win the Moorpark C.C.'s couples tournament and then won the gross tournament at Sterling Hills G.C. with a 91, John Bowman broke 100 for the first time at Elkins Ranch G.C. with a 98, Don Waite had his career best @ Tierra Rejada G.C. with an 82 from the white tees, Orlando Diaz had his two best rounds with an 83 @ Lakeside C.C. and an 85 @ TPC Valencia C.C., Dwight Daniels finally starting using his 7 and 9 iron for chipping and chipped in on #8 at Los Serrranos G.C. for an Eagle,

November Student Successes 
Bill McCoy had his best front nine @ Wood Ranch C.C. with a 37 on the front, John Hausenhauer had his best round with a 84 @ Wood Ranch C.C., John Hausenhauer and Bill McCoy finished 3rd in the Branding Iron which is the member/member at Wood Ranch C.C. and finished out of first by 2 points, Bob Kemmerling finished 2nd in his flight in the Westlake Men's Club Event and his partner was 87 years young, Shirley Stoner had her first Birdie making a 2 on a par 3 at the Sea n Air G.C., Haven Tan shot her career best with a 48 @ Van Nuys G.C. and won the Drive, Chip & Putt Contest (Haven is 9 years old), Eden Tan had her best competitive round shooting a 40 @ Van Nuys G.C. and finished 2nd also her highest finish and she is 11 years old, Adan Valencia had his career low with an 83 @ Buena Ventura G.C. and also an 89 @ River Ridge G.C.,

October Student Successes 
Your Coach,
Paul Holtby shot 63 @ Los robles G.C. with 8 birdies, Aiden McClenethen at 9 years of age shot 38 @ Rustic Canyon G.C. in a U.S. Kids Tournament and tied for 1st, Ian Howe had his career best with an 88 @ Tierra Rejada G.C., Geno Azar shot 72 @ Buena Ventura G.C. and is on his way to par golf again, Spencer Shine had his first EAGLE on #8 @ Calabasas C.C. hitting Driver then 3 wood to 6' and made the putt, Chad Sadler had an unbelievable 9 holes shooting 6 under a 30 on Creek @ Moorpark C.C. including a Hole in One on #6 with a 6 iron from 186 yards, Isaac Wilson had his low round with an 82 at Rancho Vista G.C. including 11 pars and a birdie, Noah Hollander had his low competitive round shooting an 84 @ Olivas Links G.C. in a VCJGA Event, Tom Dunn had his first eagle on # 7 at Moorpark C.C. on the Ridge nine hitting driver 7 iron and making the 12' eagle putt, Mike Zlaket had his career best with 81 @ Tierra Rejada G.C. from the tips after his on course in the morning, Mara Romezi had her career best only playing golf for several months shooting a 56 @ Sinaloa G.C. beating her previous best by 29 shots when she shot an 85 for 9 holes, Tim Crable had a best at Bailey Creek G.C. with a 76, Bill McCoy had another great round with an 81 @ Wood Ranch C.C., Wade Savage won the Simi Hills Men's Club monthly event with an 81 Gross, Larry Stilley had his career best nine holes with a 35 on the back nine @ Sunset Hills C.C.,
Drew Oliver finished 2nd overall and was 1st on the second day in a Westlake Men's Club tournament in Las Vegas @ Tuscany G.C. and Boulder Creek G.C., Aiden McClenethen turned 9 years of age and shot 38 @ Los Robles G.C. in the US.Kids Championship finishing tied for 2nd and received the honor of Most Improved Player of the Year, Chad Sadler eagled #8 @ Wood Ranch C.C. hitting a driver 285 yards to the green and making the 35 footer.

September Student Successes 
John Hausenhauer had his career best with a 80 @ Wood Ranch C.C.,Angelo Papparello is back to golf shooting an 82 @ Olivas Links G.C.and an 81 @ Sierra Star G.C., after 2 months Greg Fibble had 4 pars in nine holes up in Tahachapi, Dave Stoner had a personal best with 3 birdies on the front nine @ Simi Hills G.C. and shot 85 for his new low, Gene Haggerty shot under 90 for the first time this year with an 89 @ Simi Hills G.C., Kevin Bauer is playing solid golf with 6 out of his last 7 rounds in the 70's with his new lows being 71 @ Rustic Canyon G.C. and a 71 @ Los Robles G.C.and a 76 @ Moorpark C.C., Bill Mccoy has had his two career bests in a row with an 81 @ Moorpark c.C. and an 83 @ Wood Ranch C.C., Don Waite won the Greater San Fernando Valley Men's Club event with a 84 gross and a 67 net @ Olivas Links G.C., Joe Opyd shot his best round at 14 over par 81 @ Westlake G.C..

August Student Successes 
Noah Hollander had his best round at Simi Hills G.C. with an 81, Noah also recently qualified for the JV Westlake H.S. golf team which was his goal 1 year ago, Dick McMillion shot is career best nine and 18 scores with a 39-43=82 at Sunset Hills C.C., Brian Grube broke 100 for the first time shooting a 94 at Los Robles G.C. with two birdies which is also a first, Brandon Jacobs achieved some milestones this month shooting a 76-68=144 and finished 2nd in a Toyota Tour Cup Tournament and also is now ranked in the top 400 in the nation and 18th in California for junior golfers and is graduating high school in 2016, Walt Dolche had his first natural birdie and 6 pars at Sinaloa G.C. playing his best golf ever, Walt also shot his best round ever on a full length course shooting 102 at Simi Hills G.C. with 4 pars, Dave Hamilton had his best nine a Wood Ranch C.C.with a 43 on the front nine and a quad on the first hole, Brian Davidson after getting fitted for new wedges and irons shot his career best with a 73 at Tierra Rejada G.C. from the blues tees and also had 5 birdies which is a new record, Team Lynch had their best highlights with Pat shooting a 43 on the back nine and 94 total but more exciting he had 9 pars in the round and his son Shane shot his career best shooting 98 and breaking 100 for the first time at Candlewood C.C., Bill McCoy shot his career best and broke 80 for the first time shooting 79 at Wood Ranch C.C., Dave Stoner se his own record having 3 birdies in nine holes and also shot a low of 85 at Simi Hills G.C., Gene Haggerty broke 90 for the firs time in many years shooting an 89 at Simi Hills G.C., Chad Sadler shot his career bes and went very low having 4 birdies and his first ever eagle with one bogey shooting a 68 at Moorpark C.C. 33 on Ridge and a 35 on Canyon for his first time shooting under par and his first time in the 60's, Chad will be playing for Moorpark H.S. this year and his excited about the upcoming year,

July Student Successes 
Ricky Hoefert has shot his career bests in his last three rounds shooting a 75 @ Lakeside C.C. 74 @ Rustic Canyon G.C. and a 72 @ Tierra Rejada G.C. Ricky will be playing for college of the Canyons in the fall, Robin Anderson has had his longest streak ever with 5 rounds in a row in the 70's shooting a 79 @ Legacy G.C. in Las Vegas, Larry Stilley had his career best 38 on the front nine @ Sunset Hills C.C. and two rounds of 83 and 84, Greg Bashe blew his career best away shooting a 91 @ Sterling Hills G.C. and beat his best by 21 strokes WOW, David Auerbach shot his career best and broke 80 for the first time with a 77 @ Encino G.C., Spencer Torgan is the reigning Wood Ranch C.C. Branding Iron Champion of 2014 Spencer and his partner won it all, Robin Anderson continues his solid good play shooting his low round at Camarillo Springs G.C. with a 79 from the black tees, Joe Haldek shot his best nine at Los Robles G.C. witha 36 on the back nine, Noah Hollander shot his low round to date @ Hansom Dam G.C. from the blue tees with a 81 and had 11 pars, John Bowman continues setting his career lows and shot a 95 @ Olivas Links G.C. and beat his best by 8 shots, Isaac Wilson after a long period of improvement has broken through shooting his career lows and breaking 80 for the first time with a 78 @ PGA West G.C. and a 74 @ the Marriot G.C. and two other lows a 39 on the front nine at Wood Ranch G.C. and also an 81 which is his new low for 18 holes, David Cronin after 3 months of membership shot his career low with a 84 @ Los Robles G.C. with 2 birdies which is also a first in one round, David Litwak had his career best @ Spanish Hills G.C. with a 75, Bill Elmer shot his career best at Moorpark C.C. with an 81 and had a best of 7 pars in a row, Tore Livia shot his first under par nine with a 35 @ Moorpark C.C., Pam Stanford shot her career best at Tierra Rejada G.C. with a 91 and had 31 putts, Steve Campbell after getting fit for new irons won the Sunset Hills C.C. two day tournament,

June Student Successes

John Bowman continues his low round quest with a 44 @ Westlake G.C., John Tone shot his low round in 3 years with a 78 @ River Ridge G.C. with a 36 on the front, Jennifer Marshall is playing some great golf with rounds of 74, 74 @ Los Posas C.C., 74 @ Ojai Valley Inn and her low @ wood Ranch C.C. with a 76, Lisa Inouye and Cheryl Lowe teamed up to finish 2nd in an alternate shot format tournament shooting 88 gross at Moorpark C.C., Tim VanDerValk continues to win shooting 47-47=94 gross and win his 3rd Golf Channel Tour Event this year at TPC Valencia C.C., Andrew Lazo had his best tournament finish shooting a 77 @ Calabasas C.C. and finished 2nd in an SCPGA tourney, Jim Hillin had his low round with a 78 @ Encino G.C., Robin Anderson has been on a roll with his last two rounds in the 70's shooting a 78 @ Olivas Links g.C. and following it up with a 77 @ Oliva Links G.C.,

May Student Successes 

Justin Linville broke 100 for the first time shooting a 93 @ Camarillo Springs G.C., Patrick Lynch's team shot a 56 in a 4 person scramble winning by 3 shots in Florida, John Hausenhauer had his bes at Moorpark C.C. shooting an 87, Steve Campbell shot his low round of the year with an 86 at Sunset Hills C.C. for a 66 net, Katrinka Kramer has been playing and taking lessons for 3 months and shot 48 at Sinaloa G.C., Isaac Wilson had his career best with a +8 at Westlake G.C. shooting a 75, Robin Anderson had one of his lower rounds of the year with an 83 at Rustic Canyon G.C., Bill Elmer had his career best of the year with a 78 at Fullerton G.C. with 31 putts and 9 pars, John Hausenhauer beat his career best at Wood Ranch C.C. with an 84, Steve Campbell continues to break 90 consistently with an 86 and 89 at Sunset Hills C.C., Pat Wasson had his best round in 11 years shooting 1 under par at Sunset Hills C.C. with a 70, Cheryl Lowe had her two career best rounds 90 at Camarillo G.C.and an 80 at Monarch Dunes G.c. in 40 mph winds,
Steve Hollander had his two career lows with a 39 at Olivas Links G.C. and an 79 at Elkins Ranch G.C., Spencer Shine shot his best round to date with a 77 at Calabasas C.C., Cheryl Lowe had her career low at Moorpark C.C. Creek nine with a 41, Scott Berry shot his career best at Wood Ranch C.C. with a 78 beating his low by 8 shots, Pam Stanford had her career best at Wood Ranch C.C. shooting 98 with 33 putts, Robin Anderson had his best at Camarillo G.C. shootin a 83 and had an eagle on # 16, John Bowman continues to beat his best by shooting a 93 @ Simi Hills G.C. beating his low by 8 shots, Westlake H.S. and team member Brandon Jacobs advanced to State Finals at San Gabriel C.C. after winning regionals at Brookside G.C. as a team,

April Student Successes 
Paul Holtby
shot 68 with 6 birdies and 2 bogies in a Pro-Am at Soule Park and finished 2nd by one shot and then followed it up with a 69 @ Olivas Links G.C. with 3 birdies and 15 pars, Elad Goran blew his best score away shooting an 83 (+16) at Westlake G.C.,
Elias Gross shot 43-35 at Tierra Rejada G.C. in a high school match and had 5 birdies on the back nine with birdies on #11, #14,#15,#16 and #17, Blake Reader had his career round in a high school match shooting 76 at Westlake G.C. for the W.H.S JV match, John Hausenhauer broke 90 for the first time shooting an 89 at Wood Ranch C.C., Isaac Wilson shot two career best back to back with an 85 at Tierra Rejada G.C. and an 83 at Simi Hills G.C., Pat Sear broke 100 for the first time and her new career best is 98 up in Los Gatos,
Spencer Shine not only had his career best but did it in a high schoolmatch shooting 78 @ Encino G.C., Craig Brown broke 80 for the first time shooting 78 @ Los Robles G.C., Adrian Sessto and his career best with an 75 at Tierra Rejada G.C., Tim Zandervalk won the Golf Channels event by 4 shots in the Snead flight at Brookside G.C. #1 course with an 88, Daryl Talavera shot his career best with an 81 from the blue tees at Hualalai G.C. in Hawaii, John Bowman continues to tear up and blow away his best scores shooting 100 @ Sterling Hills G.C., 101 @ Simi Hills G.C., 95 @ Los Robles G.C., 103 @ River Ridge G.C. and a 96 @ Buena Ventura G.C, Dyan McIntosh just getting into the game of golf shot a career best 55 @ Los Robles G.C.

Student Successes March 
Paul Holtby and Roger Gunn teamed up to win the SCPGA Best Ball Championship @ Oak Valley G.C. shooting 61 (-11) with 12 birdies including having birdies on 9 of the 10 par 4's, They won by 4 shots over 60 teams, Tim Zandervalk won his first Golf Channel Event with an 46-44=90 @ Morongo G.C. and had 34 putts, Cheryl Lowe shot a career best 86 @ Pebble Beach Golf Club in beautiful Monterey, Randy Fredrickson had his best nine at Wood Ranch C.C. with a 42 on the front nine, John Bowman had his career low with a 95 at Los Robles G.C. with 36 putts also a career low, Chuck Clendenen had his career best and first time under par with a 65 at Westlake G.C. 33-32, Tim Johnston shot his golf career best with a 94 at Tierra Rejada G.C. with a 41 on the back nine, Michael Walters had his all time best golf experience shooting a 90 at Pebble Beach G.C., Walt Dolch had his best nine at Sinaloa G.C. with 3 pars and nothing over a 6, Sandy Tiffany had her first Hole in One at Wood Ranch C.C. on # 3 with a 9 wood, John Hausenhauer had his career best at Wood Ranch C.C. with a 92 and a solid back nine of 43, Mike Hernandez had a good nine at Moorpark C.C. with a 39 on the Creek nine, Luke Renish had his career best in a high school match with a 76 and then followed it up by blowing away his best shooting a 70 with 32 putts at Los Robles a match against Westlake H.S., Song Chang smoked his best with a 111 a River Ridge G.C. and beat his previous best of two weeks ago were he shot 127 at Sterling Hills G.C. He also had his first birdie at Los Robles #7 with a 3 on the # 1 handicap hole, Bob Yates had his low nine with a 38 at Simi Hills G.C., Brandon Jacobs shot 72 at North Ranch C.C. and finsihed 2nd in the Oak Park Invitational which is an invitational tournament of the top three players from several high schools, Brandon then proceeded to shoot 68 in a high school match at Sunset Hills C.C., Joe Hladek won the C Flight Los Robles Men's Club event with a net 68 and Drew Oliver shot 69 an finished 3rd in the same event, Elad Goran broke 100 for the first time with a 93 @ Olivas Links G.C. including a birdie and two pars, Spencer Shine had his low high school match shooting 82 at Balboa G.C. with a great 37 on the back nine, Jeff Simon had his first Hole in One on # 17 @ Tierra Rejada G.C. with a sand wedge witnessed by Bob Ramstedt and "Bogey Bob", Pat Wasson an 81 @ Rustic Canyon G.C. with a 38 on the bach nine and this is his low so far getting back into the game of golf after a long break, Tore Livia shot 87 with a 39 on the back nine at Kannapali in Hawaii his first time playing it,

Student Successes February 
Mike Hughes had a low round so far with an 88 @ Sterling Hills G.C. on the Vineyard Course with a birdie 2 on the 18th hole, Isaac Wilson had his two best rounds @ Tierra Rejada G.C. back to back with scores of 88 and 87, Jeff Simon had his first round under 80 for 2014 with an 79 @ Tierra Rejada G.C., Timmy Johnston had his career best @ Wood Ranch C.C. with an 86, Wade Savage is back with a 79 in the Simi Hills Men's Club event finishing first and also got a closest to the pin and a skin which included two birdies and solid nines of 41-38, Spencer Torgan has been patient and working hard on his game and broke 80 for the 2nd time with a old low of 79 at Wood Ranch C.C. he blew his best away with a new low of 73 from the blue tees, Tim Zandervalk is starting to play some consistent golf with rounds of 90,94,92 and a 90 @ Bandon Dunes in Oregon, Diane Cooper is starting to sharpen up her game with a 99 @ Camarillo Springs G.C., Chuck Clendenen had his first round under 80 this year with a 79 @ Camarillo G.C., John Bowman had his new low @ Simi Hills G.C. with an 111 with 4 pars which is a 20 shot improvement in 5 months since we met also he broke 100 for the first time with a 99 @ Los Robles G.C., Cheryl Lowe shot her career low @ Sinaloa G.C. with a par round of 27 with 2 birdies and also had an 81 @ Sterling Hills G.C., Greg Vitalich started as a 30.4 index and 2 months later is down to a 25.9 at Wood Ranch C.C. and has two new lows including a 50 on the front nine and a 107 along with his first round under 100 with an 88 at Los Robles G.C., Adan Valencia broke 90 for the first time with an 89 at Black Lake G.C. and a personal best 88 @ Ojai Valley Inn hitting 11 of 13 fairways,
John Bowmanshot his career best @ Olivas Links G.C. with a 55-48=103 and he is on the verge of consistently being under 100 and reaching his goals, Jerry Wygant had a career best 42 on the back nine at Camarillo G.C., Elad Goran had his best so far with a 45-59 = 104 @ Rustic Canyon G.C. he must have been thinking about his score like we all have done many times, Lisa Inouye had her best of the year with an 81 @ Tierra Rejada G.C., Tim Zandervalk had his career best 89 with a 42 on the back nine at River Ridge G.C., Don Waite finished tied for 1st in the B Flight of the San Fernando Golf Club @ Los Robles G.C. and ironically he tied for 1st with Brad Bussell another student.

January - Student Success Stories

Paul Holtby and Roger Gunn teamed up to WIN the NC-SCPGA 2 Man Scramble @ Bakersfield C.C. with a 64, Jerry Wygant shot his best two rounds in a row with an 87 @ River Ridge G.C. and then an 87 @ Los Robles G.C., Elias Gross shot 74-73 and finished 4th @ Sierra Lakes G.C. which was the SCPGA Tournament of Champions and finished 2nd in points for the fall of 2013, Pete Eyerman shot a 72 @ Sunset Hills C.C., Scott Morris shot his career best with a 89 @ Buena Ventura G.C. from the blue tees, Drew Oliver shot 77 @ Westlake G.C. for a victory with the Los Robles Men's Club, Al Muskat teamed up to WIN the Wood Ranch C.C. A-B-C-D blind draw scramble shooting a 59, Gene Haggerty had his career bests back to back with an 87 @ Olivas Links G.C. and an 88 @ Los Robles (blue tees), Chad Sadler had two low nines @ Moorpark C.C. with a 36 on the Creek (High School Qualifier) and a 37 on Canyon, Bob Yates had two career low rounds with an 92 @ Simi Hills G.C. and an 89 @ Sterling Hills G.C. where he finished in 3rd place out of 28 players in a tournament, Spencer Shine had his career best with an 81 @ Sherwood C.C. including 3 birdies and 31 putts.

December - Student Success Stories

Elias Gross shot 72 @ King Kamehameha C.C. and 70 @ Emerald G.C. in Hawaii playing the last 6 holes in 4 under par, Greg Vitalich had his career best 55 at Wood Ranch C.C., David Ramos had his career best with an 86 @ Los Robles G.C., Bernard Gross had his career best a 78 @ King Kamehameha C.C. in Hawaii, Jim Warren had back to back career bests with a 71 and then a 69 @ Los Robles G.C., Elias Gross shot 4 under par in qualifying for his golf team at Encino G.C., Scott Morris broke 100 for the first time with a 99 @ Sterling Hills G.C., Jerry Wygant shot 84 at Buena Ventura G.C. with 2 birdies and got up and down 2 of 4 times from the sand, Greg Vitalich continues to improve with a new best @ Wood Ranch C.C. with a 52.

November - Student Success Stories
Spencer Shine, after only two months together, shot his career best three times in a row lowering it each time with a 45,43 and a 42 at Calabasas C.C., Pam Stanford had her career best 96 at Wood Ranch C.C.with a low of 31 putts, Ron Miller for the first time in his golf career finished with the same ball he started with, Brian Williams had his career best and first par nine holes here in the United States with a 34 at Westlake G.C., Ross Tiffany had his career best a 74 at Wood Ranch C.C. and also had a Hole in One on # 4 at Rustic Canyon G.C., Bernard Gross had his best with a 40 at Sherwood C.C., Spencer Torgan had his career best 83 @ Wood Ranch C.C. then followed it up with his first under 80 with a 77, David Ramos shot his career best 36 (2 over) at Westlake G.C., Brian Williams shoots his first under par round and career best with a 32 (2 under) at Westlake G.C., Mark Reader had his career best with a 41 @ Robinson Ranch G.C., Jim Hilin had his best round of the year with an 80 at Encino G.C. with a birdie on #10, Luke Renish had two back to back career bests with a 76 at Olivas Links G.C. and a 71 at Rustic Canyon G.C., Spencer Shine shot 81 @ Westlake from the blues, his career best @ Rustic Canyon with an 88 and his career best 44 at Calabasas C.C. from the regular tees, Tore Livia shot his career best @ Moorpark C.C. with a 74,

October - Student Success Stories
Dean Schirm won the Thousand Oaks City Championship B Flight at 14 under par, Ethan Winkler won the Thousand Oaks City Championship C Flight with a 63 net final round, Elias Gross won the SCPGA junior tournament at Brookside G.C. with a 69, Bob Jacobs and his partner won the Sherwood Challenge with a 7 under team score 65, Brandon Jacobs in the VCJGA shot 74-71 at Soule Park G.C. and finished 2nd and then followed it up with a 74-74 at Olivas Links G.C. to finish 3rd, Mike Hernandez had a Hole in One on # 17 at Tierra Rejada G.C. with an Gap Wedge, John Bowman had his best at Sinaloa G.C. 38 then beat it with his new best a 33, Ethan Winkler had his best VCJGA Tournament finish with 80-75 and finished tied for 7th, Carol Lewis and her career best with a 97 at Los Robles G.C., John Hausenauer and his partner Bill McCoy won the Wood Ranch C.C. Pirates and Thieves Tournament which is the Annual Member Member and had 60 teams competing, Ann Serandos had her career best with a 43 at Sinaloa G.C., Ron Serandos also had his career best with a 32 at Sinaloa G.C., Curtis Hoy had his career best at Tierra Rejada G.C. with a 93 and has a career low index of 15.4.

September - Student Highlights

John Bowman shot his career best 50 on the front nine at Simi Hills G.C., Mark Reader had his low nine a 42 a Rustic Canyon G.C., Mark Forman won the Mens Club Championship at Olivas Links G.C. C Flight Net, Mark Forman also picked up a gross skin and two skins, Luke Renish had his best round at Victoria Lakes from the tips with a 81, Jerry Renish had his best at Victoria Lakes G.C. with a 74 from the Blues, Ron Bauders had his first natural birdie and also first chip in with a 2, Diane Cooper tied her career best with a 79 at Woodhaven C.C. in Palm.Springs., Diane Cooper had her 3rd Hole In One at Tierra Rejada G.C. #11 with a 5 hybrid, John Vierra had his career best 76 at Olivas Links G.C., David Ramos broke 90 for the first time with a 44-44 = 88 at Buena Ventura G.C., Al Muskat had his career low nine holes on the front at Tierra Rejada G.C. a 43, Steve Butler had his low round of the year with a 71 from the tips at Glen Annie, Rich McGowan continues his good golf with an 83 @ Simi Hills and an 85 at Rustic, Al Muskat finished Tied for 6th in the Wood Ranch C.C. Net Championship, Pam Stanford shot her career best with a 92 at Tierra Rejada G.C. with 33 putts,  Adan Valencia had his best at Trump National with a 95 and low nine 42 with 2 doubles, Wayne Honea had his career best nine with a 38 at Rustic Canyon G.C., Ed Gagnon shot his career best at Tierra Rejada G.C. with a 77 and followed it up with another career best at Sterling Hills G.C. with a 77 as well, Drew Oliver had a first making 4 birdies in a row at Los Robles G.C. #11,#12,#13,#14, Joe Haldek had his career best with a 34-38 = 72 at Los Robles G.C., Robin Anderson had a good round at Camarillo Springs G.C. with an 84.

August - Student Highlights

Kasia Rudnicki had her two best nines 41, 41 at Camarillo G.C. in qualifying for Oaks Christian, Jim Merrit had his career best with a 73, Ricky Hoefert had his career best by 7 shots with a 81 at Elkins Ranch G.C. breaking 80 for the first time, Larry Lee had his career best 44 on the front nine at Lost Canyons G.C., Sky Course, Nick Gregg finished 3rd in the Sunset Hills C.C. Club Championship shooting 93, 91 and 89, Jack Kramer had his best VCJGA tournament shooting 74 at Sunset Hills C.C. and 76 at Los Robles G.C. He was in the final group for the last day and finished 5th, Craig Brown had a career best 83 at Tierra Rejada G.C. with a 37 on the front nine.Ricky Hoefert shot his career best by 6 shots and broke 80 for the first time with a 79 at Elkins Ranch G.C., Bob Jacobs shot his career best 89 at Sherwood C.C. and the same day his 14 year old son Brandon Jacobs shot his career best 68 at Sherwood C.C. with 8 birdies, Elias Gross at 14 years old shot 71,72 and 73 at Centenial C.C. in Medford, OR finishing in the top twenty at the AJGA event earning him 3 stars in the rankings, Dave Stoner achieved one of his golf goals and that was to beat his son and he drummed him, Ian Wachowiak had a career best 5 over at Westlake G.C. which was a 38, Dan Williford in the same round had a 37, Dan's best is 34 to date, Charlotte Sams at age 7 is the Los Robles Junior Camp putting champion winning in match play and Charlotte also had her first regulation chip in on the first hole at Los Robles G.C., Charles South is the reigning Club Champion at his local home club. David Smith had his career best round at Sherwood C.C.with an 81 he also played Hansom Dam and hit 14 greens, Robin Anderson shot 82 at Rustic Canyon G.C. in a Men's Club Event, Pam Stanford had her career low nine 44 at Wood Ranch C.C. it included two birdies which was a first, Eric Corbin had his career best in Maui with a 90 at Kanapali Kai G.C., Tim Vandervalk had a career best nine and 18 in the Golf Channel Event with a 37-48=85 at Borona Creek G.C. and held a 6 shot lead, Nick Gregg and his partner Dave Bowman won the Sunset Hills C.C. Member/Member for the C Flight, Karin Starace continues her great play shooting career bests 83 then an 82 at Tierra Rejada G.C., Alex Cerise won her first VCJGA Golf Tournament shooting 86, 80 to win by one shot at Soule Park G.C., Dave Stoner had his career best round and broke 90 for the first time with an 89 at Tierra Rejada G.C., John Sessums had a 135 yard Hole-In-One on #8 on Canyon Crest Nine at Moorpark C.C, using a PW, our Diane also had a Hole-In-One on #11 at Tierra Rejada G.C. and shot her lowest nine holes 'in a century' with a 42.

​July - Student Highlights

Paul Holtby, yes your coach, shot 64 at Buena Ventura G.C. with two back to back eagles on #3 and #4 with 4 other birdies, Jim Merittbreaks par for the first time with a 67 at Buena Ventura G.C. in a tournament and eagled the last hole to win by two shots, Jim Spach had his career best with a 79 at Los Robles G.C., Spencer Torgan has worked hard on his game and achieved his lowest handicap of a 10.8 in his career at Wood Ranch C.C., Ricky Hoefertafter two months, has had three of his career bests 83 at TPC Valencia, 81 at Robinson Ranch G.C., and a 66 at Vista Valencia G.C.., Kyle Bessey at 10 years of age shot back to back 42's at Westlake G.C. from the forward tees, Dan Bessey shot his career best 75 at Buena Ventura G.C. with 2 birdies and an eagle, also Dan's handicap has gone from a 16.2 to a 12.6, Luke Renishshot his career best 67 at Westlake G.C. and had his first par round of golf, Nick Gregg shot 86 at Sunset Hills C.C. with a career best 40 on the back nine, Alex Cerise had her first eagle on #4 at Coronado G.C. hitting a driver, fairway wood and making her 20 footer for a career best 79, Tyson MacIntosh had his career low nine with a 46 at Rustic Canyon G.C., Robert Shapiro had a first having 2 birdies in one round at Rustic Canyon G.C., Brad Bussellhad a career best 81 at Morrpark C.C., Dan Rosen had three career bests with an 88 at Los Robles G.C., 96 at Porter Valley C.C. and a 98 at Rustic Canyon G.C., Ian Howe broke 100 for the first time with a 98 at Tierra Rejada G.C., Martin Herkenhoff had his best nine in a long time with a 39 a Rustic Canyon G.C., Amy Herkenhoff, after getting fitted for a new driver, had her career best 47 at Rustic Canyon G.C. the same day, David Ramos broke 100 for the first time with a 96 a Buena Venura G.C., Adan Valencia had two good rounds in Chicago shooting 95 at Olympia Fields C.C. with a 42 on the back nine and a 95 at Cog Hill C.C.,Kyle Besseyhad his career best 90 at Westlake G.C. and he is 10 years of age, Rich McGowanwins Golf Channels Senior Jones Division Tournament at PGA West's Nicklaus Tournament Course with an 86 and won by 6 shots.

June - Student Highlights

Jim Spach broke 80 for the first time with a 79 at Los Robles G.C. even though he thought he blew it having a double bogey, bogey finish,Mark Foreman had his career best 83 at Olivas Links G.C. despite having 4 double bogeys, that is a lot of good golf, Robin Anderson broke 80 with a 79 and his best at Tuscany G.C. in Las Vegas, Tim Zandervalkhad back to back career bests with an 88 at River Ridge G.C. and an 87 at Los Robles G.C.,Linda McGowan broke 100 for the first time with a 98 a Saddle Creek G.C., Michael Walters shoots back to back bests with an 86 at Ojai Valley Inn and an 83 at Soule Park G.C., Pat Riedy had her best of the year with a 98 at Sterling Hills G.C., Jack Rodewald had back to back career lows with a 78 at Buena Ventura G.C. and then an 82 at Sterling Hills G.C. in the same day, Pete Eyerman had two career bests with a 77 at Kanapali in Hawaii and a 74 at Sunset Hills G.C., Jennifer Marshallhad her low round in many years after a couple refresher lessons shooting 77 at Ojai Valley Inn, Mark Pastucha had his first eagle hiting a dive and then knocking in a 56 degree wedge from 86 yards on #8 at Mountain View G.C., Pat Riedy had a career best shooting 38 at Los Robles G.C. with 5 pars and 4 bogies, Angelo Paparello goes on a roll with three career bests shooting 77 a Sterling Hills G.C., 77 at Moorpark C.C., and a 78 at Sandpiper G.C., Gary Brownhad a career best 42-46 = 88 at Rustic Canyon G.C., Brandon and Bob Jacobswon the Sherwood Lakes C.C. Tournament shooting 47 (7 under par), Brandon Jacobs placed 6th in the Toyota Tour Cup Tournament in Primm Neveda, shooting 74-72 (He is a freshman at Westlake H.S.), Brandon Jacobs shot 67 (5 under) at Menifee Lakes G.C. and placed 2nd out of 120 juniors and qualified for the Callaway Junior World Championship to be held at Torrey Pines G.C. in San Diego.

May - Student Highlights

Mark Reader after playing golf for 10 years left handed and reaching a low handicap of 10.8, has switched to right handed completely, and after two weeks shot an 89 at Los Robles G.C.,Chad Sadler had his career best and first time breaking par witha 71 at Moorpark C.C., Randy Sadler had his career best and first time breaking 80 the same day with a 78 at Moorpark C.C., Gerre Lande lowered his career best with an 80 at Simi Hills G.C., Gerre Landeshot 86 At Simi Hills G.C. and finished 2nd in the Simi Hills Men's Club tournament, Larry Leeand his partner shot 37 for a nine hole tournament and finished first on Memorial Day at Tierra Rejada G.C., Andrew Whittington shot his career best 86 at Tierra Rejada G.C., Jonathan Soyhad his first eagle at Teal Bend G.C. hitting a driver then a fairway wood to six feet and made the putt, Carol Lewisshot her career best 37 on the front nine at Shadow Hills G.C., Tom Conners had his first par of his short golf career with a 3 on #15 at Simi Hills G.C.,Kyle Bessey had a career best 92 at Cimmeron G.C. from the red tees and Kyle is 10 years of age, James Smith breaks 80 for the first time and career best with a 79 at Olivas Links G.C., Rich McGowanhas won three Golf Channel Tour Events this year and also has a second, WOW, Greg Williams shot his low of the year with a 78 at Simi Hills G.C., Gerre Lande shot a career low 82 at Sunset Hills C.C. and also finished 3rd at Seven Oaks G.C. in Bakersfield,Greg Williams lowered his best of the year with a 77 at Simi Hills G.C. (on his way to that par round),Larry Lee had a career best with a 43 on the front nine at Tierra Rejada G.C., 


April - Student Highlights

Gere Kinnan shot his best two rounds of the year with an 88 at Moorpark C.C.and an 84 at Sunset Hills C.C., Michael Waltersshot a career best 87 at Tustin Ranch C.C.,Mark Reader shot a low of the year with a 79 (Left Handed) at Moorpark C.C., Craig Brown shot a career low with a 37 on the front nine at Los Robles G.C., Jack Kramershot 76-77 at Manai Lanai in Hawaii on the Big Island, Elias Grossshot 32-36 = 68 at Calabasas C.C. with a lost ball on the 16th hole leading to a double bogey.

March - Student Highlights

Jake Rosenhad his first eagle by knocking in a wedge from 50 yards on #11 at Porter Valley C.C. on a par 4, Lyle Bower broke 90 for the first time with an 89 at Taquitz G.C., Elias Gross had 3 of his low rounds for the year with: 74 at Los Posas C.C., a 74 at Moorpark C.C. and a 75 at Rustic Canyon G.C.and he plays for Calabasas High School,Craig Brown finished first in the net division at Dove Canyon C.C., Dwight Daniels shot his career best with a 75 at Montebello C.C. with 3 birdies and 10 G.I.R., Larry Lee is coming around with a 94 at Simi Hills G.C. and a 93 at Tierra Rejada G.C., James Smith shot 95 for a net 75 and qualified for the SCGA Net Amateur Championship being held April 8th and 9th at the Alisal G.C.'s (there were only two spots), Mark Pastucha tied shooting his career low with a 76 at Mountain View G.C., Father and Son shot their career bests together in the same round with Jake Rosen shooting a 71 and Dan Rosen shooting a 97 at Porter Valley C.C., Jim Meritt had back to back wins with the Woodley Men's Club with a 76 at Soule Park G.C. and a 73 at Hanson Dam G.C., Roy Ratcliff eagled #13 at Los Robles G.C. and won his match play 6 and 5, Nick Gregg won the Low Gross C Flight with his partner in the Sunset Hills C.C. Presidents Cup.

February - Student Highlights

Wade Savage won the A Flight Simi Hills Men's Club event with an 83 gross which included a quad and a double bogey, Nick Gregg shot his low of the year with an 86 at Sunset Hills C.C., Jeff Cord shot 79 at Rustic Canyon G.C. and won the Men's Club Tournament A Flight, Brandon Jacobs shot 76-69 at Rancho San Marcos G.C. and tied for first in the Toyota Cup and is ranked 50th in California as a 14 year old junior, Bob Olson shot 73 at Los Robles G.C. for his low in a long time, Bob Jacobs and his son Brandon Jacobs teamed up to shoot a course record At Sherwood Lakes C.C. in a two man scramble shooting 9 under, Luke Renishafter taking a break from golf made the Newbury Park High School Team and is looking forward to a good season,Robin Campbell shot back to back 80-79 at Spanish Hills C.C. with an eagle on #18 knocking in a pitching wedge.

January - Student Highlights

Phillip Ross shot two back to back career bests with an 88 at Lost Canyons G.C. and an 88 at Santa Paula G.C.,Robin Anderson won the C Flight Men's Club Tournament at Rustic Canyon G.C. with a 79 net, Robin Campbell had his two best rounds in over 6 months with 83-79 at Spanish Hills C.C.